Add Presale Buy Bot
Add GemPad Buy Bot in your Telegram group to get every buy in the presale shown to your community instantly.
Last updated
Add GemPad Buy Bot in your Telegram group to get every buy in the presale shown to your community instantly.
Last updated
Add GemPad Buy Bot in your Telegram group and make it admin.
Start the bot with sending this command in your Telegram Group: /start (DO NOT DM THE BOT, all the commands must be sent in your Telegram Group). Also make sure that you are not an anon admin in your Telegram Group, because then the bot will not work)
Send your Presale Address in your Telegram Group: /setcontract presale address
Example: /setcontract 2JxqcbCCazh3qVNyVHTHaXc5xkC7taKEyB8cwzUkeFiwz
Make sure you use your Presale Address NOT your Contract Address. You will find your Presale Address on GemPad Presale Page.
Add a GIF/Image for your Presale Buy alerts: /setgif presale address url of your image/gif
Example: /setgif 2JxqcbCCazh3qVNyVHTHaXc5xkC7taKEyB8cwzUkeFiwz
Set a minimum buy: /setminbuy presale address amount not less than 0.0001
Example: /setminbuy 2JxqcbCCazh3qVNyVHTHaXc5xkC7taKEyB8cwzUkeFiwz 0.2
Congratulations, you're good to go. Best of luck with the sale!
Remove a Presale Contract - send this command in your Telegram Group chat: /rmcontract presale address
Example: /rmcontract 2JxqcbCCazh3qVNyVHTHaXc5xkC7taKEyB8cwzUkeFiwz
Stop the bot - send this command in your Telegram Group chat: /stop
Stop a presale inside the pool - send this command in your Telegram Group chat: /stop presale address
Example: /stop 2JxqcbCCazh3qVNyVHTHaXc5xkC7taKEyB8cwzUkeFiwz
It can be reactivated by using /setcontract presale address
Q: Can I add more than one presale on my group? A: Yes, you can add as many presales as needed in your group.
Q: Can each presale have its own emoji and minimum buy? A: Yes, each presale can have its own emoji and minimum buy.
Q: How long does it takes for the bot to detect new buys? A: It takes up to 1 minute to detect the new buys.
Q: The bot is not sending any buys but I set everything correctly. A: Be sure to check if the bot have the admin privileges. Also make sure you used your Presale Address NOT your Contract Address. You will find your Presale Address on GemPad Presale Page. If the problem persist please contact the GemPad team.